Saturday, April 21, 2007

Time share tips

Are you considering buying a time share? Here are 3 tips to keep in mind before you go to the presentation.

1. Make your time count. If a company says the presentation is 90 minutes, stay for only 90 minutes. After that, take the coupons and/or gifts they promised you and leave. Salespeople will impose upon you and keep you as long as possible. If they don't initially get the sale, they'll try to keep you there until they do.

2. Get everything in writing. Salespeople will promise you the moon to get you to sign a contract. The most common promises are bonus weeks or an extra vacation to another location. Make them put those promises in writing before you sign the contract. After you sign on the dotted line, they only have to provide whatever is detailed in the contract.

3. Find out about your states cooling off period. Most states have a 3-10 day cooling off period, during which time you can cancel the contract.

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