Friday, August 24, 2007

Cruise tips

Here are some travel tips concerning cruises:

Never ever pay "brochure prices". That's the price a cruise line sets when it announces a boat or a particular tour. It's always negotiable. You should always aim to pay at least 40% less than brochure rate. Look on various websites, talk to travel agents or tour consolidators.

Choose your port carefully. Do you want to travel out of New Orleans, Galveston Tx, San Juan PR, or one of the Florida ports.

Choose your itinerary carefully. The cruise I really want to go on leaves out of San Juan PR. The cruise is a little less expensive than similar cruises, but the fact that you have to fly to PR negates those savings. In effect, it makes those cruises even more expensive.

Choose your travel partners wisely. I can't emphasize this enough. The wrong travel companions can ruin your vacation. Believe me, I know from personal experience.

More to come

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